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Cryptocurrencies and the Metaverse: the guides and basics for staying on top of things

Information news and news related to the world of cryptocurrencies, emerging AltCoin, Decentralized Finance DEFI, new projects on the Metaverse and much more. Simple explanations, small tricks and secrets to land on the crypto world in an easy and safe way.

Web Sites Realization

BitCoin is a cryptocurrency born in early 2009. Its purpose is to allow the exchange of currency without a central body that can regulate its operation.


Exchanges are services that allow you to buy, sell or convert cryptocurrencies easily and safely.


Il Metaverso è la rappresentazione di una realtà virtuale condivisibile tra utenti tramite internet nella quale ci si ritrova rappresentati da un'avatar le cui interazioni simulano quelle della nostra realtà effettiva in cui viviamo.

Understanding the basics, signing up for an exchange and making your first currency exchanges....

What is Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are a form of digital currency, created and stored electronically. Contrary to traditional currency this type of currency is not physically created, therefore nothing tangible is minted or printed, however, the mechanism of storage of cryptocurrency, transactions and any related value, is designed so that it is unique, authenticated and unalterable over time. This mechanism can be called BlockChain which literally translated means blockchain. The most popular cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, created in 2009 by an unidentified programmer using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin has seen a dramatic increase in value since it was introduced to the world and has become increasingly popular with both investors and users.

How and where to buy BitCoin or other Tokens

Buying bitcoin today can be quick and easy if you choose to open an account on one of the major exchanges on the web today, like Binance. Once authenticated on our exchange, using a credit or debit card, you can literally buy BitCoin as well as any other cryptocurrency, and not only! To purchase you can also make SEPA transfers, deposit funds and use them for your own purposes when you need them.
Alternatively, one of the first possible steps to buy bitcoin is to create a bitcoin wallet. In case you want to opt for creating a wallet commonly called Wallet, you need to know that there are many wallets available for each platform, among the most popular ones we find MetaMask Coinbase Jaxx etc.... After creating your wallet, you have to buy some bitcoins, to do this you can use an Excanger on which you can buy your cryptocurrency with a credit card or you can buy them from a friend who will pay them on your Wallet. The most popular exchanges are Bitfinex, Coinbase and GDAX. A good way to buy bitcoin is undoubtedly the approach with one of these Excange where you can deepen your knowledge about cryptocurrencies in every aspect and more.

Wallet: the wallet for cryptocurrency

Wallet is the wallet to store the capital held in cryptocurrency. There are many types of Wallets that can be used to store different types of cryptocurrency. Some wallets are hardware type, which are stand-alone electronic devices designed to store the codes and keys that value the capital you store in them, such as Trezor and Ledger Nano S. The primary feature of these devices is that they offer physical security for your cryptocurrency by storing it offline in a very secure microchip. Other wallets, such as Exodus, offer more functionality for cryptocurrency trading by displaying real-time charts and giving you the ability to make trades from your wallet in just a few clicks.

Emerging cryptocurrency prices today:

Learn about our cryptocurrency support services:

The Keepkey is a Hardware Wallet for storing cryptocurrency such as bitcoin Ethereum and others. Extremely secure it allows you to keep your capital i..
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Opportunities and trends in the NFT world

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Most promising
TopCoin and AltCoin - CRO - CRO Chain is an Ethereum token that powers Pay, a successful project that aims to allow users to pay for goods and services with cryptocurrency by receiving rewards in the form of cashback and more. Use this referral code 8muh6k78aa to get $ 25 in CRO cryptocurrency after opening your account.

BitCoin - BTC

BitCoin - BTC
Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency originally described in a document released in 2008 by a person, or group of people, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The software described in the project was then launched shortly thereafter, in January 2009.

Ethereum - ETH

Ethereum - ETH
Ethereum is supported by a more modern blockchain than BitCoin, it maintains the same characteristics so it is decentralized and open-source but allows the implementation of smart contracts and a general higher speed of execution of transactions. The cryptocurrency is named Ether. The Ethereum blockchain also serves as a platform for numerous other cryptocurrencies, as well as for the execution of decentralized smart contracts.

Cardano - ADA

Cardano - ADA
Cardano (ADA) is a blockchain platform designed on a proof-of-stake consensus protocol (called Ouroboros) that validates transactions without high energy costs. Developers working on Cardano use the Haskell programming language, described as a language that enables "evidence-based product creation for an unprecedented level of security and stability." The blockchain's native token, ADA, is named after Ada Lovelace, the famous 19th century mathematician.

Solana - SOL

Solana - SOL Chain is an Ethereum token that powers Pay, a service that aims to allow users to pay for goods and services with cryptocurrency while receiving rewards in the form of cashback.

The Best
Exchange Services

Founded in 2016, is one of the leading cryptocurrency and payment platforms with the aim of accelerating the world's transition to cryptocurrency. It has a very well-developed system and at the moment there are 3million users using this platform worldwide. is constantly evolving on its features by always adding new ones and new products including Exchange, App, Wallet and MCO Visa Cards.


Binance is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and embraces an entire ecosystem dedicated to cryptocurrencies ranging from professional training with now very well structured channels, to its own cryptocurrency, passing through native services essential in the crypto world. From saving to trading Binance is a great opportunity within everyone's reach. If you follow the link on the blue button you can open an account with a referral code that will allow you to have a 5% on my referral prize! Note this code W1L08GZK to receive extra bonuses and rewards when you trade at Binance.


Coinbase is a major global Exchange oriented to simplify the operations of buying exchange with cryptocurrencies of all kinds. Granted that the opening of any account on any exchange is strictly free, on Coinbase you can earn small amounts by following mini courses on tokens with innovative projects. As mentioned earlier opening an account is free but to earn something is even better, isn't it? If you follow the links shown here to Coinbase you will have the opportunity to get €8.7 as soon as you buy or sell cryptocurrency for at least €87.44. Obviously there is no obligation, deadline or time limit to make purchases or sales.


Coinmarketcap is a real aggregator of interactive information on the crypto world, always constantly updated, within it you can find historical information, or real-time performance of over 3000 cryptocurrencies but not only, you can record and manage their transactions made on any other platform. They are also offered and sponsored many services of exchange, saving, trading, NFT etc..

NFT MarketPlace
and best services on Blockchain

Unstoppable Domains

Unstoppable Domains
Unstoppabledomains is perhaps the first provider of domains on BlockChain in the world, in essence is consetito to register a name that identifies an identity and allows you to make transactions in the crypto world by referring to this name. One of the most obvious features of this service is that a name registered in the BlockChain will remain forever and will not need any renewal so no payment will be due after the registration.

Rarity Tools

Unstoppable Domains
Rarity Tools is a web service that makes available to users a series of tools aimed at finding and evaluating collections of NFT going to offer valuable information on the projects behind the graphic scenes of NFT themselves and then offering the possibility to participate and earn.

Token Sniffer

Token Sniffer
According to the presentation itself on the hompage, Token Sniffer aims to find fake tokens and all kinds of hacks aimed to perform illegal operations and fraud in the crypto world. Token Sniffer analyzes the new tokens, calculates the metrics and maintains a list that can be consulted to avoid fake tokens or malicious hacks. Having an always updated list it is possible to use T.S. also to find the newest tokens.